While the commonality of widows is the loss of their husband the circumstances that surround that death are unique to her, therefore there is no cookie cutter approach to the biblical command to care for the widows. The only true way to learn how to help a widow is by spending time getting to know her. The best way to accomplish this is by regular visits to her home in which you will be able to take note of the physical needs of the home and property as well as engage in meaningful conversation that will hopefully reveal other needs.
Widows usually have an overwhelming outpouring of support during the first weeks following the death of their husband, but the visits, meals, cards, and calls eventually subside as the world returns to life as usual. Unfortunately, for the widow her life will never be the same – the silence at times can be dreadful and the needs are ongoing. We have such an opportunity to show the love of Jesus and help minister to these women and in many instances their children who are still living in the home. There are countless ways both big and small to show we care and it is our hope that the Widows’ Care Communities will connect the “want to” with the practical “how to” minister to widows in their time of need. We will endeavor to minister to the widow’s physical needs (Acts 6). We will assist with meals, minor home and lawn maintenance, advice from trusted sources regarding practical needs (legal, financial, repairs, etc) and will help meet financial needs when other biblically appointed resources have been exhausted (1 Timothy 5:4-16). We will also attend the emotional needs of the widow. Opportunities for fellowship with other widows will be provided, cards and gifts of encouragement will be sent when appropriate, and contacts will be initiated with trusted families to bolster a sense of physical safety and security. Spiritual needs will be met through discipleship and small group bible studies will be offered. A prayer team will be available for intercession and for one-on-one prayer with the widow. As spiritual needs are revealed, we will minister to those needs with prayer and the truth of scripture. We will stand ready to share the gospel with any widow in the ministry where needed. We should be consistent, pray fervently, and follow through with our commitments. The following are suggested core areas to focus in which teams should be established, but we should always be willing to adjust and respond accordingly to revealed needs as the Holy Spirit leads.
For more detailed information or to get involved in Widows’ Care Communities, please contact us. |
Reagan's Story
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